10 Low-Calorie Snacks to Elevate Your Mood: Because Good Food Means Good Mood!


Roasted Chana

It makes for a great low-calorie snack that can be enjoyed as part of your chaat or during teatime. One of the best things about roasted chana is that it satisfies your hunger without packing extra calories.


Boiled Egg

Starting your day with a low-calorie meal is a smart move, and eggs are an excellent choice. If you're watching your calorie intake, consider skipping the yolk to cut down on calories.


Kala Chana

Kala chana, a type of chickpea, is a nutrient-dense food rich in protein, dietary fiber, folate, and various dietary minerals such as iron and phosphorus.


Chana Chaat

As with most pulses and legumes, kala chana is also high in fiber, which can help keep you feeling full for an extended period of time.


Baby Carrots

By virtue of their high fluid content, carrots can help you feel full for longer periods of time, making them an excellent snack option. Replacing your unhealthy foods with baked carrots with hummus dip, carrot salad, or carrot soup which are particularly effective in weightloss.



It is an ideal snack to curb mid-afternoon cravings due to its low-calorie content. 
In addition, the fiber in watermelons promotes digestion and regulates hunger hormones, while the natural sugar helps reduce the urge to indulge in savory or sweet treats.


Strawberry, Blackberry, and Blueberry

They are the perfect choice as they are low in calories yet high in vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, and minerals, which can aid in satisfying your hunger and reducing calorie intake.



With its high fiber, protein, and heart-healthy antioxidants, oatmeal can help reduce the risk of developing heart disease and colorectal cancer.


Whole Grains

Whole grains, such as oats, have been shown to improve digestion and lower blood pressure, making oatmeal a valuable addition to a balanced diet.



Eating a diet rich in vegetables can significantly decrease your chances of developing chronic illnesses, including heart disease.


Vegetable Sticks - Low-Fat Dip

Opting for low-calorie and high-fiber veggies like broccoli, radishes, celery, or bell peppers and pairing them with protein-packed hummus can create a satisfying snack.


Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt, with its notably creamy texture and high protein content, can be a satisfying snack choice. In fact, a mere half of a cup of nonfat, plain Greek yogurt packs 12 g of protein, helping to keep you feeling full.


Roasted Almonds

Compared to many other nuts, almonds are an excellent source of protein and good fats. They are packed with essential nutrients such as vitamin E, manganese, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, fiber, and riboflavin.



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Source: Dinodia
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