10 Treadmill Alternatives at Home for Weight Loss

Source: Dinodia

Jumping Jacks

Jumping jacks are a simple yet effective exercise that gets your heart rate up and burns calories. Start jumping as high as possible with your feet apart and your arms overhead, and jump back to your starting position with your feet together and your arms by your sides.

Source: Dinodia

High Knees

Stand in place and lift your knees as high as possible while jogging on the spot. High knees engage different muscle groups and aid in weight loss.

Source: Dinodia

Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers are effective at reducing belly fat at home. To do this, start in a plank position and switch legs, bringing one knee in towards your chest and the other knee out as if you are running on the spot. Inhale and exhale with each leg change.

Source: Dinodia


Burpees are a challenging exercise and an effective treadmill alternative. Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart, lower your body into a squat, place your hands on the floor, and jump back into a plank. Now propel off the floor and jump back up with your arms overhead.

Source: Dinodia


Stand facing a step or bench. Place your right foot on the bench and shift your weight by stepping up onto it. Bring your left foot beside your right foot and stand on the bench. Return to the starting position by stepping down with the right foot and then the left foot.

Source: Dinodia

Jump Squats

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly, and descend to a squat position. Now, jump off the floor as high as possible and ensure a soft landing with your foot. Jump squats increase your heart rate, strengthen your legs, and aid in weight loss.

Source: Dinodia

Plank Variations

Performing planks can help burn more calories, and incorporating their variations can speed up your weight loss. The five variations of planks include the forearm plank, reverse plank, walking plank, side plank, and alternating arm and leg raise.

Source: Dinodia

Resistance Band Exercises

Use resistance bands to perform exercises like bicep curls, tricep extensions, shoulder presses, and squats. Resistance bands not only help build muscle but also melt away fat.

Source: Dinodia


Practising certain yoga poses like Sun salutations, boat pose, warrior pose, and bridge pose can help with weight loss while improving your body's flexibility, stability, and balance.

Source: Dinodia

HIIT Circuit

Create a circuit of bodyweight exercises like squat jumps, push-ups, lunges, bicycle crunches, and plank variations. Perform each exercise for a set amount of time, with short rest periods in between, to effectively lose weight at home.

Source: Dinodia


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