Avoid These Morning Skincare Mistakes for a Clear, Smooth Complexion

Source: Dinodia

Skincare at Night

The first step you may neglect is to remove the makeup and wash your face. By not doing both, you are slowly damaging your skin. So, it is important to cleanse your face, at night, before hitting the bed.

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Skipping Face Wash

Washing your face in the morning before applying skincare products is essential to remove oil, dirt and bacteria that can clog your pores and cause breakouts.

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Prioritise Sleep

Getting adequate sleep, at least 7-8 hours per night, is essential to maintaining healthy skin. Hitting the sack early and avoiding your gadgets is the key here.

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Using Hot Water

Using hot water on the face in the morning can dry out and cause damage to your skin. Instead, first, splash lukewarm water to open the pores, then use face wash and clean it with cold water to close the pores.

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Exfoliation is beneficial for your skin. But over-exfoliation, especially before going out, can open pores and draw dirt or dust that will penetrate your skin and clog your pores.

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Skipping Sunscreen

Skipping sunscreen after your CTM routine can cause damage to your skin. Applying sunscreen is necessary as it offers sun protection and prevents skin diseases and premature ageing.

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Not Doing the CTM

Not sticking to the morning cleansing, toning and moisturising (CTM) routine can make your skin dull and lifeless. So, stick to it daily for a smooth and clear complexion.

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Touching Your Face

Touching your face frequently can cause acne breakouts as dirt and oil can get transferred from your hands. Thus, do not touch your face once you finish washing in the morning.

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Wrong Products

Another grave mistake you may make is using the wrong skincare products. It is important to know your skin type and choose products based on it to have healthy skin.

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Wash Before Shampooing

Washing your face before shampooing can accumulate harmful chemicals and dirt on your open pores and can cause skin damage. So, it is important to wash or clean your face after shampooing.

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Using Harsh Cleansers

Harsh and foaming cleansers can strip off natural oils from your skin and cause dryness. Instead, choose a mild, non-foaming cleanser suitable for your skin type.

Source: Dinodia

Rubbing Face

Rubbing your face with a towel in a hurry in the morning can cause friction leading to irritation and redness. Instead, gently pat dry your face with a soft towel.

Source: Dinodia

Quickly Applying Products

In the morning, you may quickly apply your skincare products. But, this can minimise the absorption of the products into your skin, decreasing their effectiveness.

Source: Dinodia

Not Hydrating

Hydrated skin looks plump and radiant. Dehydrated skin can look dry and dull. Hence, using a hydrating serum or moisturiser is essential to keep your skin hydrated and healthy.

Source: Dinodia


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Source: Dinodia
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