Benefits of Fenugreek: Nourish Your Skin and Hair Naturally

Stay Young Bureau

May 22, 2023

Natural Cleanser

Overnight-soaked fenugreek seeds can be blended into a paste and applied as a mask for a perfect, deep cleanse. You can also use the leftover water to remove dirt and excess oil using a cotton ball.

Credit: Stay Young Bureau

Skin Moisturiser

Applying fenugreek seeds face mask can nourish and moisturise your skin and help get rid of dryness, roughness and flakiness. Soak some fenugreek seeds overnight and grind them with yoghurt and honey the next day and apply it to your face for 15 minutes.

Credit: Stay Young Bureau

Skin Exfoliator

Fenugreek seeds act as a fantastic skin exfoliator and help remove dead skin cells and reduce excess oil from your skin. Grind some fenugreek seeds into a coarse paste and gently massage it on your face.

Credit: Stay Young Bureau

Reduces Dark Circles

The presence of vitamins C and K in fenugreek seeds can help reduce dark circles and blemishes on your skin. The fenugreek seeds face mask removes all impurities from your skin and keeps it glowing.

Credit: Stay Young Bureau


Certain compounds present in those tiny golden seeds help keep your skin shining, young and wrinkle-free. They kill free radicals and keep your skin firm, tight and rejuvenated.

Credit: Stay Young Bureau

Prevents Hair Loss

Fenugreek seeds help deal with follicular problems and make your hair strong from the roots. They also help fight dandruff and skin irritation.

Credit: Stay Young Bureau

Fights Dandruff

Dandruff can irritate your scalp, weaken the hair and lead to hair loss. Applying fenugreek seeds hair mask can help treat itchy scalp and dandruff. Soak some fenugreek seeds overnight and make a paste with yoghurt to prepare your hair mask.

Credit: Stay Young Bureau

Prevents Premature Greying

If grey hair appears evident in the mid 20’s, then it is unnatural and premature. The high potassium content in this important kitchen spice can help tackle premature greying.

Credit: Stay Young Bureau

Promotes Hair Growth

Fenugreek seeds kill the fungi and bacteria on your scalp and strengthen your hair follicles, promoting hair growth. To prepare your hair mask, blend some soaked fenugreek seeds with aloe vera gel, coconut oil and rosemary oil.

Credit: Stay Young Bureau

Hair Conditioning

Fenugreek seeds condition your hair follicles, roots and strands. To condition your hair, make a thick paste using soaked fenugreek seeds, lemon juice, yoghurt and water and apply it to your hair and wash it off after 45 minutes.

Credit: Stay Young Bureau


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