Common Skin Allergies in Adults

Source: Dinodia

Contact Dermatitis

Contact dermatitis occurs when the skin directly encounters an irritant or allergen, such as certain metals, cosmetics, fragrances, or latex. It leads to redness, itching, and sometimes blisters on the affected area.

Source: Dinodia

Atopic Dermatitis

Also known as eczema, atopic dermatitis is a chronic condition characterised by dry, itchy, and inflamed skin. It is often hereditary and associated with a hypersensitivity reaction to triggers like allergens, certain fabrics, or harsh soaps.

Source: Dinodia

Urticaria (Hives)

Urticaria manifests as raised, itchy, and red welts on the skin, commonly referred to as hives. It can occur due to allergic reactions to foods, medications, insect bites, or environmental factors like heat or pressure.

Source: Dinodia

Allergic Contact Dermatitis

Like contact dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis is an immune system response to an allergen the skin has come into contact with. Common triggers include fragrances, preservatives, and certain plants like poison ivy or poison oak.

Source: Dinodia


Angioedema causes swelling in the deeper layers of the skin, typically around the eyes, lips, hands, or feet. It may occur alongside hives and can be triggered by allergies, medications, or underlying medical conditions.

Source: Dinodia

Drug Allergies

Some individuals may develop allergic reactions to certain medications, such as antibiotics, pain relievers, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Symptoms can range from mild skin rashes to severe reactions like Stevens-Johnson syndrome or anaphylaxis.

Source: Dinodia

Photoallergic Dermatitis

Photoallergic dermatitis is an allergic reaction that occurs when the skin is exposed to sunlight in combination with specific medications, fragrances, or chemicals. It leads to an itchy rash or blisters in sun-exposed areas.

Source: Dinodia

Occupational Dermatitis

Occupational dermatitis refers to skin allergies or irritations from exposure to substances in certain professions or work environments. Examples include chemicals, solvents, detergents, or metals, which can cause skin inflammation and itching.

Source: Dinodia

Cosmetics Allergies

Allergic reactions can occur due to sensitivity or intolerance to ingredients found in cosmetics, such as fragrances, preservatives, dyes, or specific chemicals. Symptoms may range from mild irritation to more severe rashes or swelling.

Source: Dinodia

Food Allergies

While food allergies typically manifest with systemic symptoms, they can also cause skin reactions. Certain foods like nuts, shellfish, eggs, or dairy products can trigger hives, eczema flare-ups, or swelling in susceptible individuals.

Source: Dinodia


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