Effective Tips to Make Your Skin Hydrated

Stay Young Bureau

Jun 12, 2023

Drink Adequate Water

Keeping yourself hydrated is an effective way to hydrate your skin inside and out. Aim to drink two litres of water per day.

Credit: Stay Young Bureau

Use Hydrating Skin Products

Choose water-based creams containing hyaluronic acid, glycerin, ammonium lactate, or urea to hydrate your skin. These products penetrate deeper into your skin and keep it hydrated.

Credit: Stay Young Bureau

Avoid Very Hot Showers

Very hot and long showers can strip away natural oils from your skin and make it itchy, dry, and dehydrated. Instead, bathe in lukewarm water for better skin hydration.

Credit: Stay Young Bureau

Sunscreen Is a Must

Exposure to the sun can dehydrate your skin, causing moisture loss and the breakdown of elastin and collagen. Therefore, apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen that can help protect you from sun damage.

Credit: Stay Young Bureau

Use Face Masks

Face masks are rich in hydrating ingredients. Incorporating them into your skin care regimen can help keep your skin moist and plump. Additionally, they can help avoid wrinkles and fine lines.

Credit: Stay Young Bureau

Use a Humidifier

Especially in dry or cold climates, using a humidifier can add moisture to the air and prevent your skin from becoming dry.

Credit: Stay Young Bureau

Use a Toner

A toner or a facial mist effectively hydrates your skin and allows deeper penetration of your serums and moisturisers into your pores.

Credit: Stay Young Bureau

Exfoliate Gently

Regular exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells, allowing better absorption of moisturisers. Choose a gentle exfoliant to avoid overdrying your skin.

Credit: Stay Young Bureau

Eat Water-Rich Foods

Consuming fruits and vegetables rich in water content can be highly beneficial for your skin. Citrus fruits like lemons and oranges are rich in vitamin C and can help maintain your skin’s texture.

Credit: Stay Young Bureau

Reduce Alcohol and Caffeine Intake

Both caffeine and alcohol can reduce the water content of your skin and lead to dehydration and skin tightness. Limit intake to two cups of caffeinated drinks and one glass of wine to minimise skin dehydration.

Credit: Stay Young Bureau


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Credit: Stay Young Bureau

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