Essential Oils for Healthy Skin and Hair


Importance of Essential Oils

For centuries, essential oils have been recognized for their healing properties and their ability to promote overall well-being.


Essential Oil Types

Each essential oil has unique benefits, and they can be used to address a variety of health concerns throughout the body.


For Skin and Hair

Whether you are using them in facial treatments or as a part of your hair care routine, you may see rapid and noticeable results from incorporating essential oils into your self-care routine.


Essential Oil Source

Essential oils are developed using the plant extract, obtained through distillation or evaporation, and then added to a carrier oil for easy application.


Choose Your Essential Oil

If you're interested in using essential oils for your skin or hair, or if you're curious about which oils to try first, keep reading to discover popular options and learn how to use them.


Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender oil is great for hair growth, promoting healthy cell growth and reducing scalp stress. It has antibacterial properties, soothes irritated areas, and is mild.


Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint oil stimulates blood circulation, promoting hair growth and follicle protection. Mix 2 drops into a carrier oil and massage into the scalp, leave for 5 mins before washing out.


Rosemary Essential Oil

It strengthens and boosts cell regeneration in the skin and hair. It thickens hair and promotes regrowth while eliminating free radicals with its antioxidant properties.


Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea tree oil is known for its aroma and powerful cleansing and healing properties. It promotes hair growth, and treats dandruff, and skin conditions like acne, athlete’s foot, and insect bites.


Cedarwood Essential Oil

It improves men's hair health by promoting regrowth, reducing hair loss, and balancing oil glands. It is anti-bacterial and anti-fungal and reduces dandruff.


Almond Essential Oil

Almond oil nourishes & hydrates hair, making it great for dry, brittle, or broken hair. It also contains omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, and Vitamin E, which can promote healthy skin and hair growth.


Eucalyptus Essential Oil

It aids in hair growth by cleansing the scalp & stimulating hair follicles. It also nourishes the scalp, adds moisture, & relieves stress. Its aroma clears sinuses during illness.


Thyme Essential Oil

It fights dandruff and promotes a healthy scalp. Mix 2 drops with 2 tbsp of carrier oil, and apply for 10 minutes before washing. It has good anti-bacterial properties and can often be found in treatments involving essential oils for the face and skin.


Thieves Essential Oil

It treats scalp soreness, encourages healthy hair growth, boosts the immune system, and has a pleasant aroma. Use pre-mixed blends for safety.



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Source: Dinodia
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