Home Remedies for Dark Circles: Natural Ways to Treat Under-Eye

Source: Dinodia

Cold Tea Bags

Cold tea bags are a highly effective and easy remedy for dark circles. Green or chamomile tea bags can help reduce blood flow by constricting blood vessels and relieving dark circles.

Source: Dinodia

Grated Potatoes or Cucumber

They can also help reduce puffiness and dark circles. These cooling veggies contain vitamins, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation around the eyes and prevent darkening.

Source: Dinodia

Cold Milk

It is a natural cleanser that can soothe sensitive skin around the eyes. Its lactic acid content can reduce puffiness and lighten the skin. Milk's potassium content also helps to keep the skin moisturised.

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Elevating the Head

Elevating the head while sleeping can prevent fluid from pooling under the eyes, preventing them from looking puffy and swollen.

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Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is an effective moisturiser that can prevent premature ageing. It can nourish the skin and prevent sagging, making it less likely to develop dark circles.

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Almond Oil

Combining almond oil and diluted lemon juice is a powerful treatment for dark circles. Ascorbic acid and other elements in lemon juice can aid in minimising puffiness and water retention.

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Rosewater can be used on almost all skin types as a reviving and revitalising remedy. Additionally, it has a slightly astringent effect and works well as a skin toner.

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Natural bleaching agents like tomatoes can help lessen discolouration around the eyes. Antioxidants included in them can also control discolouration.

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Yoga and Meditation

Yoga and meditation can help reduce dark circles caused by stress, depression, and an erratic lifestyle. Making these activities an everyday ritual can help you stay calm and composed.

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Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep daily is one of the most crucial things to think about while attempting to eliminate dark circles. Your body needs time to rest, heal, and regenerate; getting adequate sleep gives it that opportunity.

Source: Dinodia

Orange Juice

Vitamins A and C, which support good skin, are abundant in orange juice. Apply a mixture of orange juice and glycerin under your eyes.

Source: Dinodia

Vitamin E Oil

Vitamin E oil is useful in preventing or lessening the severity of dark circles by fighting the damage. It functions by eliminating free radicals known to cause cell damage.

Source: Dinodia

Coconut Oil

If you prefer to use fewer skincare products, coconut oil is ideal for sensitive skin because it is gentle and organic. Coconut oil can lessen the baggy appearance while calming the skin and reducing irritation.

Source: Dinodia


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