Postnatal Yoga Routine For Strength Building: Step-by-Step Guide

Source: Dinodia

Take it Slow

While you may want to engage in high-intensity workouts, it is ideal to begin your yoga routine at a slow pace. Avoid exercises that put pressure on your abdomen, and start with gentle stretches.

Source: Dinodia

Child's Pose

Also known as balasana, sit on your knees, touch your toes, and position your torso between your thighs. Rest your head on the mat and stretch your hands forward. This posture opens your pelvic floor, back, and hips.

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Mountain Pose

Also referred to as tadasana, this pose helps you achieve flexible shoulders and maintain stability and balance. Stand with your legs spread apart. On inhalation, raise your hands above your head, and on exhalation, let them softly lower by your sides.

Source: Dinodia

Locust Pose

Lie flat on your belly with your legs spread hip-width apart. Join your hands behind your back and extend them towards your buttocks, feeling a stretch in your spine. Now lift your head, shoulders, and legs off the mat.

Source: Dinodia

Easy Pose

Lotus pose, also known as easy pose or sukhasana, is an easy way to open up and increase hip flexibility after delivery. Sit cross-legged with a straight spine, chin up, and relax your shoulders.

Source: Dinodia

Scissors Pose

Lie on your back and raise your legs and shoulders off the floor. Lift your shoulders and head off the floor as well. Now, while moving your right arm and leg up, simultaneously lower your left arm and leg, creating a scissor-like motion.

Source: Dinodia

Cat-Cow Stretch

Get on all fours with a flat back and gaze directed towards the floor. Inhale and take a breath. Exhale and round your spine, bringing your head close to your navel and your head and tailbone together. Repeat.

Source: Dinodia

Cobra Pose

Lie on your stomach and place your palms beside your chest, close to your body. Inhale and lift your upper body, head, and shoulders using your arm strength. Exhale and lower yourself after 5 seconds.

Source: Dinodia

Triangle Pose

Stand tall with your feet comfortably apart. Turn your right foot with the fingers facing outward and the heels inward. Inhale and bend your body towards the right side, lifting your left arm upward and placing your right hand on your shin or ankle.

Source: Dinodia

Camel pose

Kneel down, ensuring your knees and feet are together. Lean backwards and touch your feet with your hands by pushing your hips forward.

Source: Dinodia

Boat Pose

Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you. Keep your spine straight and your hands by your sides. Bend your legs and lean back slightly. Inhale and raise both legs upward while extending your hands forward.

Source: Dinodia


Sit in a cross-legged position and close your eyes. Gently press your right thumb to close your right nostril, then inhale through your left nostril for 10 seconds. Next, close your left nostril with your right ring finger and slowly release your right thumb, exhaling deeply.

Source: Dinodia


Assume the dog pose. Stretch one leg behind you at a time, balancing on your toes with your abs pulled up and your head aligned with your spine. Inhale, and while exhaling, bend your right knee towards your chest

Source: Dinodia


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