Skin Care for People With Sensitive Skin


Use Gentle Products

If you have sensitive skin, then you should follow “Keep things simple”. Forget using harsh chemicals and choose toxic-free skincare products that soothe your skin.

Source: Dinodia

Remove Makeup

Whether or not you have sensitive skin, it is a good practice to remove makeup before hitting the sacks. Not removing the makeup before going to bed can aggravate your sensitive skin and lead to breakouts.


Be Gentle on Skin

Ensure you do not rub, tug or be harsh on your skin while cleansing and dealing with your sensitive skin. Take time to remove your makeup and be gentle while swiping away the makeup.


Apply Sunscreen

One of the most important skincare routine you need to follow is applying sunscreen throughout the year to keep your skin protected from harmful sun rays.


Keep Your Skin Cool

Excess heat can be difficult on sensitive skin, so stick to lukewarm water while washing your face and avoid hot water showers. You can also use a damp cloth as a cooling compress on your irritated skin.


Use Cleansing Wipes

Throughout the day, impurities from the air can stick to your skin and cause damage to your skin’s barrier. To prevent skin irritation, keep using gentle cleansing wipes often to remove sweat, dirt and impurities from your skin.


Hydration is the Key

Drinking plenty of water per day can help keep your skin calm and clean. Ensure to carry a water bottle with you wherever you go and stay hydrated.


Moisturise and Moisturise

Moisturising is necessary for sensitive skin. Choose a light moisturiser for the morning and a rich, heavy moisturiser for the night. Look for fragrance-free, noncomedogenic and hypoallergenic moisturisers only.


Use Face Masks

Use face weeks weekly once to calm down your sensitive skin. Choose a face mask that calms, hydrates and repairs your skin like aloe vera or chamomile to reduce irritation, soothe and rejuvenate sensitive skin.


Patch Test New Products

Before applying any new skincare product to your face, perform a patch test on a small area of your skin. This will help you determine if the product causes any adverse reactions or sensitivity.

Source: Dinodia


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