Tips for Washing Oily Scalp and Hair

Source: Dinodia

Use a Clarifying Shampoo

Clarifying shampoos are specifically formulated to remove excess oil, product buildup, and impurities from the scalp and hair. Look for shampoos containing ingredients like tea tree oil, salicylic acid, or citrus extracts, as they have deep cleansing properties.

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Avoid Over-Washing

While it may seem counterintuitive, over-washing can stimulate your scalp to produce more oil. Stick to washing your hair twice or thrice a week to avoid stripping away the natural oils excessively.

Source: Dinodia

Focus on the Scalp

When shampooing, concentrate the product on your scalp rather than the lengths of your hair. Gently massage the shampoo into your scalp with your fingertips to effectively remove excess oil and impurities.

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Rinse Thoroughly

Ensure you rinse your hair thoroughly after shampooing to remove all traces of the shampoo and any residue. Any leftover product can weigh down your hair and make it appear greasy.

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Use Lukewarm Water

Avoid using hot water when washing your hair, as it can stimulate the sebaceous glands, producing more oil. Instead, use lukewarm water to rinse your hair. Cooler water can help tighten the scalp's pores and minimise oiliness.

Source: Dinodia

Condition Carefully

Conditioning is essential for maintaining healthy hair, but it's crucial to use it sparingly when you have an oily scalp. Apply the conditioner only to the mid-lengths and ends of your hair, avoiding the scalp area.

Source: Dinodia

Skip Heavy Styling Products

Avoid using heavy styling products like serums, oils, and creams on your scalp, as they can contribute to oiliness. If you need to use styling products, apply them to the ends of your hair instead.

Source: Dinodia

Use Dry Shampoo

Dry shampoo can be a saviour between washes, as it absorbs excess oil and refreshes your hair. Apply dry shampoo to your roots, focusing on the areas that tend to get the oiliest. Gently massage it into your scalp and brush out any residue.

Source: Dinodia

Avoid Touching Your Hair

Try to resist the urge to touch your hair frequently throughout the day. The natural oils on your hands can transfer to your hair, making it greasier. Additionally, excessive touching can stimulate oil production.

Source: Dinodia

Follow a Healthy Diet and Lifestyle

Maintaining a balanced diet and lifestyle can also contribute to the health of your scalp and hair. A healthy body is more likely to have a healthy scalp and balanced oil production.

Source: Dinodia


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