Tips To Prevent Heart Complications in Cold Wave: Ways To Stay Safe

Source: Dinodia

Limit Exposure

Limit spending your time outside when it is cold. When you go out, ensure to wear warm clothes in several layers. Also, wear warm socks and gloves and cover your head and hands.

Source: Dinodia

Avoid Alcohol

Avoid drinking alcohol while going outdoors. It can expand your skin’s blood vessels while removing heat from your vital organs.

Source: Dinodia


Cold temperatures can easily make you dehydrated and stress your immune system. So, drink a lot of water and stay hydrated.

Source: Dinodia

Prevent Flu

During the winter, the chances of getting the flu can be high due to low humidity, cold temperatures and indoor heating. The flu can badly affect people with heart disease. Hence, it is important to take steps to prevent the flu.

Source: Dinodia

Light Meals

Eating light meals for easy digestion is always good during cold temperatures. Also, avoid eating more sweets during holidays and festivals.

Source: Dinodia


Wearing warm clothes and indulging in physical activities can cause overheating. If you have heart disease, overheating can cause blood vessels to suddenly widen and lead to low blood pressure.

Source: Dinodia

Avoid Fried Foods

It is essential to eat well during winter. Avoid consuming fatty, fried, sugary foods as they can increase cholesterol levels leading to high chances of developing heart disease.

Source: Dinodia

Regular Exercise

Mild physical activity is important to be fit and healthy. You don’t have to go out to exercise and can do it at home, like yoga, dance, mild aerobics, or meditation.

Source: Dinodia

Avoid Intense Labour

If you have heart ailments, it is safe to avoid intense labour like snow shovelling. Take short breaks in between for rest.

Source: Dinodia

Hot Food

Try to consume only hot food to keep your body warm during cold temperatures.

Source: Dinodia

Quit Smoking

Smoking is dangerous for health. Especially smoking during cold temperatures can further increase the risk of heart attacks.

Source: Dinodia

Stay Indoors

If you have heart disease, staying indoors on chilly days can help you save yourself from sudden cold strokes.

Source: Dinodia


If you have heart disease, consult your doctor to take some safety precautions during winter. Follow them strictly to ensure you are healthy and fit.

Source: Dinodia

Temperature Changes

It is ideal to avoid going outdoors from indoors too often. Sudden changes in temperature can stress your heart and your body.

Source: Dinodia

Medical Attention

If you do not have a history of heart problems but are experiencing chest pain or discomfort in your upper arms, it is better to consult a doctor immediately. It can be an early sign of a cardiac problem.

Source: Dinodia


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Source: Dinodia
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