Why Quit smoking? Know The Benefits For Your Health

Source: Dinodia

Lower Risk of Lung Cancer

Smoking increases the chances of lung cancer. But when you quit smoking, your respiratory health gets better and reduces the risk of lung cancer.

Source: Dinodia

Reduces Risk of Heart Disease

Quitting smoking can reduce the risk of heart disease by improving your blood circulation and reducing blood pressure.


Improved Respiratory Health

Chronic smoking can damage your lungs making it harder to breathe. When you quit smoking, your lung function will improve leading to a reduced risk of chronic respiratory disease.

Source: Dinodia

Better Oral Health

Smoking can lead to gum disease, tooth decay and bad breath. But once you quit smoking, your oral health will improve and prevent tooth loss.

Source: Dinodia

Better Mental Health

Smoking is often linked to depression, anxiety and stress. But, when you deviate yourself from smoking, your mental health will improve and reduce the risk of these conditions.

Source: Dinodia

Improved Fertility

Smoking can reduce fertility both in men and women. But quitting smoking can improve your fertility and increase the chances of having a healthy baby.

Source: Dinodia

Better Skin Health

Smoking causes premature ageing and wrinkles. But, you can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines and improve skin health when you quit smoking.


Increased Immunity

Smoking weakens your immune system and makes it harder for your body to fight infections. When you quit smoking, your body slowly gains back its immunity reducing the risk of infections and diseases.

Source: Dinodia

Improved Sleep Quality

Smoking can disrupt your sleep patterns and cause insomnia. Quitting smoking can improve your sleep quality and help you feel more rested.


Save Money

The price of cigarettes keeps increasing regularly. But, when you quit smoking, you not only improve your health but also save your money.

Source: Dinodia


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Source: Dinodia
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