Jun 16, 2023
Sun salutations are a series of poses that flow together, mimicking the sun's movement. It's a great way to energise the body and warm up for other yoga activities.
Credit: Stay Young Bureau
Tree pose helps kids improve balance and concentration. They can imagine themselves as strong and steady trees while standing on one leg and placing the sole of the other foot on their inner thigh or calf.
Credit: Stay Young Bureau
Downward dog is a popular yoga pose that stretches the entire body, strengthens the arms and legs, and helps relieve stress. Your children can enjoy mimicking a dog stretching and wagging its tail.
Credit: Stay Young Bureau
Butterfly Pose is a seated posture that helps open up the hips and stretch the inner thighs. Kids can sit with their feet together and gently flap their legs like butterfly wings.
Credit: Stay Young Bureau
This pose helps strengthen the back and spine. Children can lie on their stomachs, place their hands under their shoulders, and lift their chest while keeping their lower body on the ground, resembling a cobra rising.
Credit: Stay Young Bureau
The bridge pose is a great way for kids to strengthen their back, glutes, and hamstrings. They can lie on their backs, bend their knees, place their feet hip-width apart, and lift their hips off the ground, forming a bridge shape.
Credit: Stay Young Bureau
Cat-cow pose is a gentle flow between two poses that helps children improve spinal flexibility and coordination. They can arch their back, tuck their chin for the cat pose, then drop their belly and lift their gaze for the cow pose.
Credit: Stay Young Bureau
Lion's Breath is a fun exercise that helps kids release tension and energise themselves. They can sit cross-legged, take a deep breath through their nose, and exhale forcefully while sticking out their tongue and making a "roaring" sound.
Credit: Stay Young Bureau
The happy baby pose is a playful posture that helps your children relax and stretch their hips and lower back. They can lie on their backs, bend their knees, and hold onto their feet, gently rocking from side to side.
Credit: Stay Young Bureau
The mountain pose is a foundational pose that helps kids improve posture, balance, and focus. They can stand tall, with feet hip-width apart, and imagine themselves as strong mountains rooted to the ground.
Credit: Stay Young Bureau
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Credit: Stay Young Bureau
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