Yoga Poses for Desk Job Professionals

Source: Dinodia

Cat Cow Pose

The seated cat-cow stretch comforts your back. It helps relieve tension in the shoulders and mid-back. Stand on hands and knees, round back, and tuck chin to chest. Exhale deeply.

Source: Dinodia

Seated Forward Bend

Sit with legs extended, feet flexed, and reach forward to grab feet or ankles. Lengthen through the spine and fold forward. It helps extend your spine and relieve tension.

Source: Dinodia

Cobra Pose

This pose is beneficial for desk job professionals as it lengthens the spine and opens up the chest. Lie face down, hands under shoulders, and press up into a gentle backbend. Keep shoulders down and neck long.

Source: Dinodia

Desk Plank Pose

This office yoga pose is best for strengthening your core muscles and stretching your back. Start in a standard plank position, placing your hands on the desk and feet flat on the floor. Inhale deep while lowering yourself and ensure your forearms are parallel to the floor.

Source: Dinodia

Child Pose

Child pose is effective for office goes as it helps calm your mind and stretch your back. Sit down on your knees, sit back on your heels and rest your hands in front of you and rest your forearms on the floor. Keep breathing deeply for 5 counts before releasing.

Source: Dinodia

Pigeon Pose

This pose is best for your hips as well as strengthens and lengthens your hamstrings. Sit on your chair, with your feet together in front of you. Cross your right ankle to your left knee with your hands. Inhale and exhale deeply with your hands holding your left leg.

Source: Dinodia

Neck Rolls

Keeping your neck safe and healthy is very important if you are a desk job professional. This pose will keep your neck strong as well as elongate your spine. Seated on your chair, gently roll your neck on all sides and repeat 5 times.

Source: Dinodia

Triangle Pose

Stand with feet wide apart, turn left foot out, and reach left hand down to rest on left shin or ankle. Reach right arm up and gaze up or forward. This pose strengthens and stretches your leg muscles.


Bound Angle Pose

The bound angle pose helps open your hips and ease pain due to sciatica. Sit down with your knees spreading open and the soles of your feet touching your pelvis. Clasp your hands on your feet and start flapping your knees like butterfly wings.

Source: Dinodia

Downward-Facing Dog

Imagine an inverted V, arms stretched in front of you, tuck toes under, and then lift your hips up and back. Press palms into the floor and lengthen through the spine. This pose relieves shoulder and neck strain and strengthens your muscles.

Source: Dinodia


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