Beat Perimenopause And Age Gracefully

Know the secret of dealing with the arrival of M-day and the impact of perimenopause on your skin.

The clock is always ticking. Once you cross the 30-year benchmark, the tick-tock of the clock grows incessantly, with more urgency. Before you know it, the prime of your life is at its climax and you are in the throes of perimenopause, dreading the M-day! Skin troubles that accompany perimenopause and menopause have haunted many generations of vulva owners! But what exactly is this perimenopause and is there a secret to dealing with it like a goddess?

The big M-day approacheth!

The simplest way to understand perimenopause is a reversal of puberty. Hormonal imbalances, physical changes, and emotional upheavals that accompanied puberty all present themselves during this period. This phase lasts right up to a one-day event called menopause. Pushing you into a new stage called a post-menopausal period. 

Estrogen, the female hormone levels, drop during perimenopause. Similarly, collagen and elastin, the hormone that gives your skin elasticity also start to drop. This becomes the reason for the first signs of wrinkles. Moreover, this hormonal imbalance causes dryness of the skin, sensitivity, inflammation, and acne breakout at a notch higher than you would have ever dealt with. 

Regular moisturisers and other skincare products fail to make an impression at this point as the body demands special attention. In addition, hot flashes, night sweats, disturbed sleeping patterns, increased irritability as well as anxiety also make a special appearance. These symptoms can last for months if not years, however, sorting the skincare regimen is a huge relief and makes a big difference in enhancing the quality of life during this difficult time.

The menopause enigma

The conundrum of the perimenopause phase is that all the amazing skincare products that have worked for you for decades suddenly seem to stop working and the reason is not always obvious. All the collagen and vitamin E-based creams in the beauty aisles of the stores start looking attractive after decades of side glances. Fortunately, our beauty industry has made progress in leaps and bounds to bring us the products for every possible situation. From frizzy hair, and dry skin, to newly introduced wrinkles, there is a solution for everything! 

Ageing gracefully

If all the talk of hormonal imbalance and physical changes has scared you, take a deep breath. We have got you covered. These menopausal skin problems do not necessarily mean jumping into a 12-step skincare routine and expensive products. The primary aim of dealing with these changes is adding hydration, lipids, and good sun protection to the routine. The devil is always in the details. The secret to winning the skin care battle and winning the natural glow is understanding your skin, knowing what nourishment it requires, and providing the same. There are responsive skincare treatments available in the market and many homemade remedies to deal with perimenopausal skincare. 

Taking the natural path

Many shelved cosmetics promise a good result but may contain chemicals and increased skin sensitivity might be unsuitable for some women. But there are many natural solutions available to restore the glow and nourish the skin. The cold pressed macadamia oil has hydrating properties and is rich with omega 7, vitamin E, and proteins, making it a perfect nourishing remedy for dull, dry, and itchy skin. Choosing rosewater mix to cleanse the face instead of foaming face wash is also a great way to restore hydration. Making considerable changes to the daily diet is essential to restore the skin glow and scalp. Increased intake of vitamin E, soy proteins and flax seed is a sure-shot way to ensure a goddess-like glow.

Dermatologically tested

All that is required to nourish the peri-, post- and menopausal skin is restoration of loss of nutrients. It requires a steady supply of estrogen, collagen, vitamin E and hyaluronic acid supply to maintain the natural glow and lustre. An antioxidant-rich formulation is especially beneficial in dealing with extra wear and tear. Anti-inflammatory properties are an added advantage to soothe irritated and sensitive skin. Collagen and vitamin E-rich moisturisers combined with good sun protection are sure to give you youthful skin. Consult a dermatologist for a proper AM-PM routine and do not skip any steps. Going for regular in-clinic treatments such as microdermabrasion and medi-facials is an effective way of keeping your skin supple. 

Change is the only constant in our lives. Every change comes with its challenges but if you look around, there is always a solution right for every concern. So, take good care of yourself and age gracefully – the way you are supposed to! 

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