Summer Heat: Here Is Why You Should Not Skip Your Sunscreen

The arrival of summer often reminds us to purchase sunscreen, but the truth is that sunscreen should be a daily essential regardless of the season.

Whether it's summer or winter, protecting your skin from the sun is crucial. Sunscreens play a vital role in safeguarding the skin against the harmful rays of the sun. The global skincare industry is placing great emphasis on the significance of sunscreen. Dermatologists unanimously agree that sunscreen is an essential step in every individual's skincare routine, regardless of whether they stay indoors or venture outside. Neglecting sunscreen is considered a grave mistake. 

Here are a few compelling reasons why you should seriously consider incorporating sunscreen into your skincare regimen.

Prevents Ageing

The primary external factor responsible for skin ageing is exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays. The sun emits harmful UV and infrared rays, which can lead to various skin issues such as premature ageing, tanning, freckles, lentigines, and sunburns. Sun rays can penetrate clouds during the monsoon season and affect our skin, meaning that clouds do not provide protection against UV rays. Therefore, it is important to wear sunscreen even during the monsoon season to safeguard against skin damage.

Prevents Sunburn

Sunburn occurs when the body is exposed to ultraviolet (UV) rays, causing an increase in the production of a pigment called melanin. This heightened production of melanin leads to the process of tanning. However, if the exposure surpasses the body's ability to counteract melanin production, it results in sunburn, as explained by the speaker.

Prevents Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is a highly prevalent type of cancer, with the potential to cause significant harm to your skin. Excessive and unprotected exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays can lead to the development of skin cancers. Although non-melanoma cancers resulting from UV exposure have relatively higher survival rates, the outlook is much bleaker for melanoma skin cancer, which is also caused by sun exposure. 

Prevents Discolouration and Pigmentation

Melanin is naturally produced by the skin, and exposure to UV light stimulates its production. When there is an excessive production of melanin, it leads to hyperpigmentation. Additionally, UV rays can darken the skin, resulting in a tan. By shielding the skin from harmful ultraviolet rays, sunscreen helps prevent skin damage and safeguards against discoloration and pigmentation.


For people with sensitive and inflammatory skin, the skin is often susceptible to redness, irritation, and inflammation. However, the application of sunscreen can help minimise these issues. By creating a barrier between the skin and harmful UV rays, sunscreen prevents inflammation that can be triggered by photodermatitis.

Tips To Apply Sunscreen

Now you have countless reasons to never neglect sunscreen. It's time for you to select the perfect sunscreen for your skin which offers protection and which has been thoroughly tested and recommended by dermatologists. The range includes gel-based, cream-based, and even spray sunscreens, catering to various types of skin. You should choose sunscreens with SPF ranging from 30 to 80, which guarantee high protection.

Ensure comprehensive sun protection by applying sunscreen to all exposed areas, including the face, arms, legs, neck, and even lips.

When applying sunscreen, remember the "two-finger rule." For the face and neck, squeeze a line of sunscreen along your index and middle finger for a single application.

Make it a habit to apply sunscreen daily, and reapply multiple times throughout the day. Keep a tube of sunscreen handy, especially when you're on the move, and reapply every 2 to 3 hours for optimal protection.

Even if you're not planning to be outdoors, remember to apply sunscreen if you'll be spending time in the car, near a window, or even in an office with bright white lights. While windowpane glasses block UVB rays, they may not provide sufficient protection against UVA rays, which can be harmful to the skin.

For your children, regularly apply child-friendly sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 or higher.

If you'll be swimming, ensure you purchase waterproof sunscreen (not water-resistant) to effectively safeguard your skin


When exposed to the sun, it is advisable to use sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or above and remember to reapply it every two hours. Experts recommend choosing a mineral-based sunscreen as it provides a wider range of protection against harmful UV rays.

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