Ways To Aesthetically Boost Your Skin This Winter

Here are some tips and tricks to ensure that your skin remains supple and the glow stays intact with just a little bit of regular care.

“Winter is coming,” is a world-famous quote from the popular TV show Game of Thrones. Indeed, the cold season is about to break on us and so will be the break-outs of varied kinds on our sensitive skin. 

Be it chapped lips, dry skin, sudden redness in erroneous areas, or simply waking up to an unexpected pizza-face, your skin will shout out to you for some gentle care and attention. 

Our oil-producing sebaceous glands get inactive as temperatures drop which leads to a loss of moisture and natural oils in our skin. Thereby making it coarse and uneven. If not taken care of at the right time, our skin can develop serious conditions that could be irreparable or would require a large amount of time to reverse.   

So, what are we supposed to do? During these winter months it is important to understand the need of a new skin routine that would suit the current conditions. Here are some tips and tricks to ensure that your skin remains supple and the glow stays intact with just a little bit of regular care. 

Use the right skin products

The first most essential requirement for good skin during the winter months is investing in a good moisturiser. Pick a moisturiser that contains hyaluronic acid and top it off with a facial oil that would nourish the skin and keep it smooth and even all over. 

It is important to note here that masks and alcohol-based products need to be kept at an arm’s length as they tend to dry your skin, making it look flaky and patchy. 

The heater becomes a great source of comfort during icy times. However, the direct heat that hits your face is harmful. It not only sucks the moisture out but also severely dehydrates it. 

Using a humidifier can help protect and replenish the top layer of the epidermis by preventing it from becoming scaly. 

So now let’s look at a routine that can ensure our skin feels the best and looks even better: 

A routine is a must! It is an indispensable element of skin care. It needs to be religiously followed to ensure all the benefits are reaped. Starting with cleansing, toning, using a serum and of course the most critical must-have’s – applying moisturiser and sunscreen. 

To maximise the results of your skin care routine, it is important to select and purchase products that are rich in hydration and can get easily absorbed by the skin. Products that contain ceramides, hyaluronic acid and glycerine are best suited for the skin. If there are any other symptoms or specific skin concerns that one faces, then one must speak with a dermatologist to get the right routine in place. 

Get your shopping list right

While shopping for skin care products, it is vital to read the ingredient list. Here are some things to keep in mind while buying them:

  • Moisturisers - When buying moisturisers, pick ones that contain apple cider vinegar, ceramides, hyaluronic acid, shea butter or argan oil. These are some of the best ingredients that help fight winter dryness. Moisturising the right way keeps the wrinkles and fine lines away. 

  • Exfoliators - When exfoliating, it’s important to use gentle exfoliators that are rich in papaya, strawberry, neem or tulsi. Do not exfoliate more than once or twice a week to get rid of the dead skin. Exfoliators that contain AHA or BHAs are also good for the skin. 

  • Facial Oils - Oils are a must during the winter season. The dryness and dullness can be prevented by using cold pressed oils such as jojoba oil or even a few drops of sandalwood. This helps dull skin look fresh and alive. 

  • Sunscreen - Finally, one of the most vital requirements for great skin during the winters or during any season, is the use of a sunscreen. Sunscreens that have a high SPF and a broad coverage are best suited for the skin. Just like the care you give to your face, extend the same to your lips, hands, legs and feet. 

Winters need not be worrisome anymore. Simply taking care of your skin with the above-mentioned routine can help keep your skin look smooth, supple, radiant and younger than ever. It’s time to enjoy the cold with a tasty cuppa hot chocolate, some snuggles and winter jackets looking your best. Oh! And don’t forget to keep that lip balm handy.      

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