Causes And Prevention Of Recurrent Fungal Infections On The Skin
Stay Young Bureau | Sep 13, 2023, 11:15 IST
Fungal infections are nasty irritants that don’t go away even after months of medication.
Of the many skin problems, our skin ought to suffer from, topping the list are recurring fungal infections. Some people see it as a disease, but Dr. Aanchal Panth, MD, Dermatologist, assures that superficial fungal infection is a common skin problem. To be able to tackle the occurrence of fungal infection, it is important to first learn the causes and then how to deal with them. An Incomplete Treatment Course Dr. Aanchal says that the most common cause of the recurrence of these fungal infections is an incomplete treatment of the previous infection. Whenever a person discontinues the course of medicine for antifungals, the chances of it resurfacing are high. Usually, one to two weeks after applying creams for fungal infection, the infection starts to subside. Seeing the improvement, people tend to stop the medication. This usually further aggravates the condition. According to her, a medication of three to four weeks is recommended which can be up to six to eight weeks in case of an acute infection. The doctor may give a combination of oral antifungals as well as creams to apply on the infected area. Creams Containing Steroids Using a facial cream comprising steroids or salicylic acid can harm the skin which can lead to fungal infection. Steroidal creams aid in the spread of the fungus as they reduce the ability of the skin and body to produce a reaction against it. Dr. Aanchal warns that applying a steroid cream may make the infection disappear initially, but as the application is stopped, the infection resurfaces. Improper Hygiene Hygiene plays a vital role in the upkeep of the body and keeping allergies at bay. One has to be careful about their hygiene, to avoid fungal infections. Dr. Aanchal advises wiping the body and the body folds properly with a thin cotton towel, making sure the body doesn’t remain wet for a prolonged time. One has to also ensure that towels and clothes (especially the undergarments) that come into contact with the body are washed and ironed daily. Taking these precautions will help keep the fungal infection at bay. Anyone Infected In The Closed Vicinity One has to take cognizance and check around for any family member or friend suffering from a fungal infection. If someone is infected, they may spread it to other family members. If your family member developed a fungal infection, it is important not to share clothes. Laundry must also be done separately, to avoid any spread via clothes coming in contact with each other. The Unkempt Toenails This is a visible unhygienic factor in humans that is often ignored. Dr. Aanchal informs that unclean or dirty toenails are a common cause of recurrent infection. If the toenail has changed colour to yellow or has thickened, it is time to visit a dermatologist. Underlying Diabetes Or Increased Insulin Level Dr. Aanchal states that another common cause of recurrent fungal infections is diabetes, as it reduces the body’s ability to fight against infections. When the blood sugar levels are high, it will lead to infections in the body that will be difficult to heal and will prolong their time. So it is necessary to find out the family history in case of recurring fungal infection. There are numerous reasons for the body to catch a fungal infection. The easiest hack to prevent a fungal infection, is to take care of one’s personal hygiene. Keeping the body and the daily use of clothes clean is enough to avoid any infection on the skin. Disclaimer: The above content is for informational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a qualified physician or doctor. The Company does not vouch for or endorse any of the above content, and disclaims any and all warranties, express or implied, relating to the same.
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