Rainbow Diet: How To Create And Various Health Benefits

Stay Young Bureau | Aug 10, 2023, 15:30 IST
A rainbow diet, as its name implies, is a dietary approach that emphasises consuming a vibrant range of foods.
The primary objective of a rainbow diet is to intentionally incorporate a diverse selection of fruits and vegetables into one's daily meals. While the colours themselves may not have a direct impact on our well-being, this dietary strategy aims to diversify our food choices. Unlike many junk foods and processed foods, which often lack these colourful components, a rainbow diet emphasises the inclusion of fruits and vegetables.
Creating a rainbow diet
While the term "rainbow diet" may imply the inclusion of all seven colours of the rainbow, there are no strict guidelines dictating that each meal must incorporate every colour. In reality, the nutritional benefits derived from a particular colour can vary greatly depending on the specific fruits or vegetables consumed. The primary objective is to integrate a wide variety of fruits and vegetables into your daily meals. Here's a step-by-step approach to designing a rainbow diet:
Red is a commonly seen colour in a wide variety of fruits and vegetables that we encounter every day. Easily accessible red vegetables include tomatoes, red bell peppers, beetroot, sweet potato, red cabbage, red radish, and red chillies. Incorporating just two or three of these vegetables into your daily diet can offer a range of nutrients and antioxidants such as vitamins, lycopene, iron, manganese, and more. Likewise, there are several red fruits to choose from, including strawberries, apples, watermelons, plums, cherries, raspberries, and pomegranates. These fruits not only provide the aforementioned nutrients but also supply fibre and contribute to proper hydration.
Adding yellow foods to your meals not only enhances their nutritional value but also brings a lively and radiant hue to your diet. There are various yellow vegetables that you can incorporate, such as lemon, yellow bell peppers, corn, squash, and more. Additionally, you can introduce yellow-coloured fruits like bananas, mango, pineapple, papaya, passionfruit, yellow pear, and others into your eating routine. These fruits and vegetables are rich in potassium, and vitamins, and improve your body's digestion process.
Green-coloured vegetables are highly popular and widely consumed, particularly in Indian cuisine. Spinach, peas, broccoli, kale, green beans, cabbage, cucumber, capsicum, coriander, avocados, lettuce, and others are among the commonly encountered green vegetables. Many of these vegetables, known as cruciferous vegetables, belong to the same family and are abundant in iron. A diet rich in iron aids in maintaining optimal levels of haemoglobin, along with numerous other health benefits. Moreover, these vegetables are regarded as some of the most nutritious options available.
Similar to red fruits and vegetables, the majority of orange fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants. Among the frequently encountered orange-coloured vegetables are orange bell peppers, sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, and more. Additionally, you can include orange-coloured fruits like oranges, peaches, apricots, cantaloupes, and others in your diet. These fruits provide an abundance of vitamins, antioxidants, and other beneficial nutrients.
This category of fruits and vegetables imparts a deep hue to your meals and is also an incredibly nutritious addition to your diet. Among the more prevalent purple vegetables are eggplant (brinjal), purple cabbage, onions, red leaf lettuce, and purple cauliflower, to name a few. Some examples of purple/blue-coloured fruits include blueberries, purple grapes, blackberries and raisins. While eggplant and onions are the most commonly found and consumed purple vegetables, it's worth considering incorporating onions into your diet.
The last group of colours in the rainbow diet is white. Although white is not naturally found in the rainbow, it plays a crucial role in the rainbow diet. Among the white vegetables, garlic stands out as a widely consumed superfood packed with nutrients and antioxidants. It offers an extensive range of benefits for the body and is commonly used to enhance the flavours of Indian cuisine. Additionally, we have other white vegetables such as mushrooms (although technically not a vegetable), cauliflower, onions, radish, and more. In the realm of fruits, some common examples of white fruits include lychee, coconut, and others.
Making a conscious effort to include a variety of colourful fruits and vegetables in your daily diet is an excellent and straightforward method to ensure that you're receiving a wide range of nutrients. Fruits and vegetables with different hues offer distinct health advantages. By making it a point to incorporate a few colourful options into every meal, you're taking a proactive step towards maintaining your well-being.
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