9 Things You Need To Know About Hair Transplant

Stay Young Bureau | Oct 18, 2023, 20:00 IST
You have decided that hair transplant is the best and only way for you to regain your crowning glory. Read our checklist before fixing your appointment.
Bollywood songs write about it. Lovers create poetry about it. Artists immortalise it in their paintings. It is the lush beauty of Indian hair - admired, revered and idolised. But not all of us are blessed with it. A hectic lifestyle, poor nutrition, lack of sleep and excessive screen time are robbing us of our beautiful hair. Hair loss, breakage and balding are commonplace problems for everyone, more so for men than women.
Added to these woes are genetic issues such as alopecia areata, which leads to bald patches and receding hairline. If you want to restore your hair to its original glory, you are likely to seek advice from haircare experts at salons, dermatologists, aestheticians and even plastic surgeons. If all treatments fail to work, you will find yourself considering hair transplant surgery as the final option.
Here are nine things you need to know before you go in for a hair transplant:
1. Pick the right place - A hair transplant is a specialised procedure that requires a full-blown clinical set-up. So, when you go in for a consultation, make sure you ask your doctor about the facility where the procedure will take place, post-treatment care, previous treatments done, etc. Make a thorough background check about the doctor and the clinic before booking your appointment.
2. It’s your hair after all - A hair transplant is a sure-shot method of regaining hair on your head. However, practitioners can work only with the hair on your scalp. They will harvest the hair from your scalp and transplant it onto the areas that have thinning hair bald patches or a receding hairline. If you are completely bald, a hair transplant procedure cannot be done on you.
3. Different methods - There are two methods of hair transplant - FUE (follicular unit extraction) and FUT (follicular unit transaction). FUE transplant is when your hair follicles are removed and transplanted individually. FUT is when a strip of hair at the back of the head is removed and used for the transplant. You need to ask your practitioner to explain these methods to you in detail and make an informed decision.
4. Permanent solution - Your decision to go for a hair transplant should take into account the fact that it is a permanent solution. The quality of hair will largely depend on the hair that is harvested, but the transplanted hair will remain on your head as per its life cycle.
5. Post-treatment care - Your plastic surgeon will instruct you about the post-treatment care that has to be followed to a T. Once the site of the procedure has healed, you can take care of your hair in the normal way. You can use your regular shampoo and conditioner and even style it.
6. The cost factor - A hair transplant is a costly affair and requires the expertise of an aesthetic plastic surgeon. You should be aware of the costs involved upfront. There is also a downtime to it, which means you may not resume work immediately. It is, therefore, important to factor in these aspects. It is a one-time expense, and you will also cut down on the costs of hair therapies and hair wigs. As it is an elective procedure, a hair transplant is not likely to be covered under insurance.
7. Losing more hair - You will lose the transplanted hair within 1-2 months. Don’t panic! It is a natural cycle for the hair. New hair will start growing after three months.
8. Avoid repetitive treatments - Repeat transplants are not recommended as it is an expensive procedure and involves downtime. However, if certain bald spots are not covered in the first session, a second one can be tried, provided the donor area is healthy. It is best to avoid a repeat of the procedure and follow good preventive measures.
9. Side effects - There are no side effects to a hair transplant surgery or if there are, they are negligible. After the prescribed recovery time, you can go back to your normal activities. But it is important to follow your doctor’s instructions about hair care treatments. Since it is an invasive procedure, there is bound to be scarring, which is likely to go away within a few months.
There would be other personalised factors, too, that are likely to crop up during your consultation. So, be thorough in your research and upfront about your medical and family history when you go to see a cosmetic plastic surgeon for your hair transplant surgery.
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