Hair Transplant - Myths And Misunderstandings Associated With It

Stay Young Bureau | Sep 24, 2023, 18:40 IST

Highlight of the story: The gradual disappearance of hair from the scalp often leads to low self-confidence since a head full of hair is a major part of a person’s looks.

Among the many hair problems one has to go through, the most problematic of all for some is the receding hairline. At some stage in life, one starts to experience hair loss from the front that extends up to the back of the head, creating a bald patch. Though mostly seen in men, baldness has been found in women too, who experience thinning of the hair. While the thinning of hair can be related to internal health problems, the cause of a receding hairline can at times be genetically motivated too.

However, with the advancement in science giving birth to marvelous medical technologies, the invention of the hair transplant for the receding hairline has been doing wonders for many.
What Is A Hair Transplant?
It is a surgical technique of removing a patch of hair from one part of the body and fixing it to the bald patch. Under the process of hair transplant, the hair follicles are removed from the donor site, which is then surgically placed on the balding part of the body called the recipient site. The technique of hair transplantation comes into practice mainly to treat male pattern baldness.
A minimally invasive procedure, it can also be used to restore eyelashes, eyebrows, beard hair, chest hair, and pubic hair. Hair transplantation can also be effective in the case of filling scars that have occurred due to accidents and surgery. However, with the presence of modern hair transplantation, there are increasing chances of the natural appearance of hair growth as the transplanted hair starts to mimic the original hair orientation.
Debunking The Myths And Misunderstandings Surrounding Hair Transplantation
But the important point to be noted here is that hair transplantation is extremely different from skin grafting. Since it is a medical procedure, there are many myths and misunderstandings associated with the procedure and techniques of hair transplantation that need to be debunked at the earliest.
It Is Not Suited For Older Patients, Only For The Younger Crowd
One of the most common and passed-around myths about hair transplantation is that it is not applicable to elderly men. There is no scientific basis for this concern surrounding hair transplants, nor is there any specific age that can be linked to the avoidance of the treatment. Since it is medically proven that hair loss patterns are unpredictable, the occurrence of receding hairlines can even continue after the transplant.
According to medical professionals, hair restoration procedures prove effective after the age of 25, as the majority of hair loss has already taken place by then. Therefore, it is advised by the professionals that if the patient waits until they are slightly older, it will increase their chances of a successful hair transplant. If the procedure is performed at an early stage, chances are that hair loss may continue around or through the transplanted patch, making it look unnatural. Hence, people at the initial stage of hair loss are advised to wait until symptoms show up completely.
The Results Will Not Appear Natural But May Look Like Artificial Hair
The treatment involves removing a patch of naturally grown hair from one part of the body and injecting it onto the bald patch. That is the beauty of the medical procedure, as it is aimed at giving out natural and subtle-looking hair. The professional advice states that one doesn’t need to panic about the appearance of the hair after the treatment. The patient should be assured that the procedures are performed under the supervision of an experienced surgeon. Pre-procedure involves determining the angle and grafts, keeping in mind the location of follicles, as these details are what give transplanted hair its natural look. After hair transplant surgery, one can easily flaunt, wash, and cut their hair in any way they want. Natural results are achieved through Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) procedures.
The Hair Growth Is Instant After The Transplant
The fact behind this myth is that transplanted hair by default falls within three weeks. This doesn’t mean that there won’t be any more hair growth, as the hair roots never stop growing. The science behind this states that as soon as the chain of blood supply to the roots is established, it remains permanent. And this root begins to grow after about 60 days. However, the best growth is observed after six months with a head filled with a significant amount of hair. The transplanted hair will go through the exact same three stages of normal hair growth, telogen, catagen, and anagen. But in some cases, after the procedure, one gets to see positive results after almost 12 months. Eventually, after a period of time, the transplanted hair follicles will root out evenly and blend with the existing hair.
Continued Medical Assistance Is Required After The Transplant
The most baseless myth is that one will be dependent on some medications to keep hair growth going after the procedure. There is no medication required after a hair transplant to prompt hair regrowth. The treatment involves implanting live hair follicles in the bald area and letting them regrow by themselves. There is no requirement for ointments, creams, tablets, or injections to keep the hair growing naturally.
These are some of the most commonly circulated misunderstandings about hair transplants. Some other myths that can be debunked are that one can easily wash their hair after the transplant, that there is absolutely no usage of hair from another person’s body, and that this procedure affects the brain or is painful.
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