Brain Health: Include These Superfoods To Boost Brain Power In Children

Stay Young Bureau | Aug 18, 2023, 12:30 IST

Highlight of the story: A balanced diet not only plays a vital role in supporting their physical development but also contributes to the development of their brains.

Irrespective of age, adequate nutrition is essential for everyone, but it holds particular significance for children. The food choices your child makes today can greatly influence their health in the future. It is crucial for your child to have a well-rounded diet that provides all the necessary vitamins, minerals, and nutrients required for healthy growth and development.
Consuming the right foods can enhance brain function, memory, and concentration. Additionally, the brain absorbs nutrients from the foods we consume.
During the initial years of a child's life, there is a rapid expansion of the brain. Remarkably, by the age of 2, the brain has already attained 80% of its adult weight. Brain development persists throughout adolescence, with a particular emphasis on the prefrontal cortex, which is often referred to as the "personality centre." This region of the brain plays a vital role in functions such as planning, memory, decision-making, and other executive functions.
While all nutrients are essential for proper brain function, research indicates that certain nutrients and foods are particularly beneficial for brain development and cognitive function during childhood and adolescence.
Eggs are an incredibly nutritious food choice, and they are particularly loved by children. Packed with essential nutrients like choline, vitamin B12, protein, and selenium, eggs play a crucial role in brain development and cognitive function.
Moreover, research suggests that dietary patterns emphasising the consumption of eggs, along with other nutritious foods like legumes and fruits, are associated with higher IQ scores when compared to diets high in sugary treats such as cookies and candies.
Berries are rich in anthocyanins, beneficial plant chemicals that offer numerous advantages for brain health, as suggested by scientists. These compounds are known to possess anti-inflammatory properties, enhance cerebral blood circulation, promote the generation of fresh nerve cells, and increase the production of specific proteins, including BDNF—a neurotrophic factor crucial for memory and learning.
To support your child's brain health, consider serving them unsweetened yoghourt for breakfast. Yoghurt is a dairy product that contains iodine, a vitamin essential for brain growth and cognitive function. Research suggests that children who consume diets rich in iodine are less likely to experience cognitive impairment compared to those with low iodine intake.
Beans are a remarkable food source as they provide a wide range of vitamins and minerals, along with energy from protein, complex carbohydrates, and fibre. Including beans in your child's lunch can contribute to a nourishing brain-friendly meal, as they help sustain energy levels and mental capacity throughout the afternoon.
Salmon, a type of fatty fish, contains abundant omega-3 fatty acids that play crucial roles in the growth and functioning of children's brains. Research indicates that these omega-3 fatty acids can enhance focus and concentration in children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Peanut Butter
Peanut butter is a rich source of vitamin E, an antioxidant that safeguards nerve membranes, and vitamin B1 (thiamin), which promotes brain health in children. It also provides a steady supply of glucose, offering energy.
Whole Grains
Whole grains, including bread and cereals, supply the brain and body with glucose, the primary fuel source. They also contain essential B vitamins that support a healthy nervous system. To incorporate whole grains into your child's diet, consider including whole-grain breads, wraps, and crackers.
Antioxidant-rich vegetable salads play a vital role in nurturing healthy and strong brain cells. Optimal sources of antioxidants can be found in vibrant and deeply coloured vegetables like tomatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, and spinach.
Cocoa and its derivatives, such as cacao nibs, are rich sources of flavonoid antioxidants, particularly catechin and epicatechin. These antioxidants possess anti-inflammatory properties and are known to protect the brain. Various studies have indicated that cocoa flavonoids can enhance brain health by increasing blood flow to the brain and improving visual processing. In fact, research has demonstrated that they can enhance cognitive performance in adults, particularly on specific tasks. Furthermore, consuming cocoa may also have cognitive benefits for children.
Your child's overall health, including their brain health, relies on the quality and balance of their nutrition. Numerous studies have highlighted the significance of certain nutrients and foods, such as seafood, eggs, and berries, alongside those listed above, in maintaining cognitive function and promoting brain health. By incorporating these foods into your child's diet, you can provide them with the essential nutrients needed for optimal brain growth and development.
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