Parental Burnout: Here Is How To Cope

Stay Young Bureau | Aug 22, 2023, 17:35 IST
Raising kids is demanding. And it becomes tougher when parents prioritize their children's needs over their own.
Parenting is undeniably challenging. It's a well-established reality. From enduring late-night feedings and handling tantrums to dealing with meltdowns and assisting with maths homework, the task of raising little individuals is demanding. And it becomes even more arduous when you consistently prioritise the needs of your child over your own, which is a common occurrence for many of us.
As a consequence, parental burnout can set in, a state where you're so utterly drained that you feel completely depleted, with nothing more to offer.
What is parental burnout?
It is an overwhelming sense of mental, physical, and emotional fatigue that affects parents deeply. It is often accompanied by symptoms such as depression, feelings of sadness, anxiety, persistent exhaustion, and disruptions in sleep patterns.
Parenting, once considered mundane, has undergone significant sociological changes in recent years, transforming the system into a highly demanding and intensive experience.
Researchers have found the prevalence of burnout differs across countries, influenced by cultural values and characteristics unique to each nation. In 2019, the World Health Organization officially acknowledged burnout syndrome as an occupational phenomenon associated with various health problems in its International Classification of Diseases.
What are the indicators of being burned out?
The most prevalent signs of parental burnout include:
  1. Constant exhaustion, feeling constantly tired or depleted
  2. Emotions of helplessness, hopelessness, or self-questioning
  3. Physical symptoms like headaches, neck pain, and muscle aches
  4. Decline in motivation
  5. Alterations in appetite or sleeping patterns
  6. Sensation of detachment or isolation from the world
  7. Increased irritability
  8. Engaging in isolating behaviours
How to Cope?
Parents sometimes become excessively focused on their children, which can turn into an obsession and leave no time for other activities. Many parents consider parental burnout as a typical aspect of parenting and don't hesitate to express their emotions. However, if this syndrome is not dealt with properly, it can lead to significant mental and physical health problems. If you are experiencing any of the mentioned symptoms, it's important to assess the situation. Have a conversation with your spouse, family, and friends. Avoid holding onto feelings of guilt or inadequacy.
Tips to follow
Consistent schedule
A consistent schedule provides children, especially young ones, with a clear understanding of what to expect next. Children often dislike frequent changes in their daily routines. By adhering to regular meal, play, and sleep times, you can ensure your child’s contentment while avoiding stress and exhaustion for yourself.
Support system
Parents of toddlers and young children often find it challenging. It is essential to develop a support system that can be relied upon when needed. For instance, consider asking a friend to babysit your child for an hour twice a month, or hiring a caregiver to provide assistance on a regular basis. If grandparents live in the same city, they can also lend a hand.
Avoid being constantly available
Being consistently available for your children can have negative consequences for both parents and kids. When parents take on too much and overload themselves, it can lead to trouble.
When children become overly reliant on constant attention, they miss out on developing important life skills such as creative thinking, decision-making, self-entertainment, and patience. They become hesitant to explore new things and find solutions on their own.
There is nothing like being a perfect parent
Journey of parenthood is often portrayed as pure bliss, but the reality is far more complex. While being a parent can be a beautiful experience, it also comes with its challenges, particularly for mothers who are often expected to embody selflessness. The notion of a perfect parent is a myth, as we continuously evolve and learn alongside our children.
Self-care routine
It is common for parents to overlook the importance of self-care, which can often lead to burnout. However, dedicating time to prioritise physical, mental, and emotional well-being is essential. Start your day with a revitalising twenty-minute workout that can work wonders for your overall well-being. Additionally, incorporating regular meditation sessions into your routine can effectively alleviate stress and tension.
Engaging in hobbies such as reading, painting, journaling, or singing can provide a much-needed opportunity to unwind and reduce stress levels
Parental burnout not only affects the well-being of the parent but also has a significant impact on the entire family. It is crucial not to overlook the symptoms when feeling stressed or anxious.
Openly communicate and seek support from someone you trust, and if necessary, consider seeking professional help from a therapist. Remember, while parenting can be fulfilling, it is also a temporary phase in life. Take the opportunity to create joyful memories that you can cherish in the future.
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